
Ryan Boatright (b.1982) is an American artist and printmaker based in Paris. His process-driven experiments probe the use of photography as a measurement device and question its capacity to depict and preserve incalculable experiences and phenomena. The tools and techniques used to increase accuracy in photography are often at the heart of these investigations. His work also examines concepts pertaining to the yield rates of contemporary image production and preservation, exploring the products and byproducts of photography's everyday use. The products of his work exist as traditional photographs, digital prints, videos, and unique art objects.

Ryan’s art practice is informed by his time as a research scientist at the Image Permanence Institute in Rochester, NY, and his activity as a printmaker at Atelier Boba, which he co-founded in 2011.

INTERVIEW, Byproducts of Photography, Urbanautica, 2015

Atelier Boba →



Studios: 189 rue d'Aubervilliers, 75018, Paris & 37 rue Louise Weiss, 75013 Paris